My application for the Pag-ibig loan had to be submitted today. I was already at the Pag-ibig office by 8:26 to get my priority number. The wait was not that bad, an hour for a really busy government office...
I got out just in time for my 10:00 am appointment with my dentist. It went along fine and I got some tidbit from my dentist about puppies of imported dogs costing PhP15,000 to PhP25,000 here in Cebu. Each dog could give birth to about 10 puppies which can be sold easily since demand is also up for them. That would be a nice business to take up if only I love pets. But I don't, so it's not a good idea at all. hehe.
Right after, I decided to proceed to Ayala Center to have brunch at Idea Italia. I love their minestrone! It is hot, delicious, and comforting. Satiated, I decided to walk around the mall. My first stop was the Beauty Bar where I got the Bebe Magic Matte facial oil absorber made of linen paper. At only PhP85, it was a bargain. To think that my Shu Uemura, with only a few sheets left, costs me 5 times! Hmmm. Let's see if the Bebe beats the Shu quality wise, too...
Remembering that the girl from What A Girl Wants texted me yesterday about the arrival of new Havaianas, I went to the 3rd floor to visit the shop. Fortunately, a pair of the Havaianas
I went home by 2pm to finish some proofreading job I had to submit by early afternoon. That done, I revert to teacher mode and made 3 exams.
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